
WaveBoy Pre-Release II

Original price was: $120.00.Current price is: $90.00.

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Thanks for all those that supported the pre-release I and help turn the WaveBoy into reality! This is the 2nd pre-release which includes some layout improvements and notably changing the wiring of the right encoder to avoid having to modify the ItsyBitsy M4. Please read our blog post for a full update. The short summary is there is likely to be one more revision before Production which involves trying to reduce the noise for V/Oct. Pre-Release II still has pretty good tracking, especially for the Wave feature, as we are using software solutions to clean up the noise but for a larger production run we would like to see this improved a bit.

WaveBoy is an 8HP Eurorack module that implements the behavior of the wave channel on the Nintendo GameBoy, specifically the behavior found in the LSDJ (one of the GameBoy music trackers). It also has a noise mode which is able to generate a number of bitwise noise algorithms and has a step sequencer which can be used in wave or noise mode.

You can get an idea of what it sounds like and how it works on the YouTube playlist here, on Tim’s band’s YouTube page. Tim is also working on a full video which will likely be a new Behind the Synths video, also on the band’s YouTube.

Pitch operates over a 5-octave range and the wave frame is controllable via a CV input. A trigger input is available for the step sequencer. There is a dedicated audio out and a second CV output currently used for the step sequencer. In the future, it may also double as a second audio output (for a sub-osc or for detune).

Comes with an SD card pre-loaded with patches, 4x Befaco M3 Knurlies, a power cable, the microcontroller (an Adafruit ItsyBitsy M4) pre-flashed with the latest WaveBoy firmware and of course the PCB and front panel.

This version comes fully soldered and tested though due to compliance reasons, you will need to mount the front panel and install the ItsyBitsy module and SD card yourself. Future versions may require some assembly and/or may be available as a semi-populated PCB and panel for you to assemble the rest of it yourself at a lower price. It is open source / open hardware so WaveBoy can be built on your own as well, though the current version uses several surface-mount (SMD) components.

Additional information

Weight 0.5 kg